Controlling khaki weed this summer

Posted on Wednesday 24th November 2021

Controlling khaki weed this summer


Khaki weed growth begins in late October through November.  It is easier to control young / early growth before stems produce roots than to control mature plants.

Khaki weed (alternanthera pungens) is a prostrate, creeping perennial herb that forms a dense matt over the ground surface. 



Creeping stems are a reddish colour which produce roots at their joints. Numerous leaves grow in opposite pairs of unequal size up to 4cm long and have prominent veins on the underside of leaves. 

Greenish or greenish-yellow flowers group together in small clusters (8–12mm long) in the leaf forks, with some flower parts becoming hard to form sharp prickles as they mature. 

Khaki weed produces large quantities of seed in summer and autumn, which are easily spread when the prickly burrs become attached to animals, shoes, clothing and motor vehicle tyres. 

It can also reproduce and disperse to new areas when fragments of its rooted stems become dislodged by mowers or graders. 

In addition, seeds and stem fragments can be spread in lawn clippings or on slashers. Cleaning machinery after use will help reduce weed spread.


Chemical control options:

  • Amicide® Advance 700 @ 0.98–1.25 L/ha – spray seedlings only
  • Tordon® 75-D @ 650ml per 100L – thorough coverage needed
  • Kamba® M @ 470ml per 100L – second treatment may be needed


Contact your local Farmcraft store for all your weed control needs this summer.







® Amicide & Kamba are registered trademarks of Nufarm Australia Ltd. ® Tordon is a registered trademark of Corteva Agriscience 

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